Chapter Newsletter

Want to get into the game? Tired of sitting on the bench?

Play ball with us by sending in articles for future newsletters! Give your fellow chapter members, and other SABR’ites, solid hits of wisdom, wonderment, and wit in an article of your choice that relates to baseball, especially Houston baseball.

Rookies are welcome; our cracker-jack editors will tone up your prose into major league quality. Just send your articles, from 200 to 1000 words, to umpire/editor Tony Cavender at

Start writing your opening pitch and join the lineup!

Click the newsletter link to the left to access the newsletter archives including the latest edition of the Houston Shooting Star Express!

All previous chapter newsletters can be accessed one of two ways:

We always email a copy of the newsletter to members of our chapter.

Access them via SABR’s website. Go to Login under “Member Login” and then click on the “Groups” link. Under “My Groups” find the Larry Dierker chapter and click on the link. It will take you to our chapter page. Look for the heading “Newsletters” in between “Website” and “Meetings.” Click on the “Newsletters” link and you will see every newsletter the chapter has produced. Click on anyone of the newsletters to read or download!